Seminar III of the School of Politics - Generation 21 (National Security and Foreign Policy)

2 July
Seminar III of the School of Politics - Generation 21 (National Security and Foreign Policy)

July 2023

What an incredible time we had at the third Seminar of the School of Politics 2023 in Prishtina! It was a weekend filled with captivating discussions, engaging lectures, and plenty of fun!

Our first day started off with an intriguing lecture by Fisnik Korenica, who explored the fascinating topic of 'Foreign policy as a tool for sovereign countries.' This was followed by an interactive Q&A session that allowed the group to delve deeper into the subject. The day continued with Blerim Shala's enlightening presentation on 'Peace Agreements in International Relations.'

Day two was equally exhilarating, thanks to the presence of incredible speakers. Prof. Gezim Visoka shed light on 'Kosovo's foreign policy: navigating bilateral and multilateral relations.' Additionally, we had the privilege of learning about NATO's role in bolstering defense and security institutions by Mrs. Drita Perezic, sparking thought-provoking discussions and igniting fresh perspectives and ideas. And that wasn't all! In the afternoon, Mr. Burim Ramadani unraveled the intricate relationship between security institutions and the existing threats for security, fostering conversations between the group.

On the last day, we concluded the seminar with two captivating lectures that left us yearning for more. Mr. Ramadan Ilazi explored 'The growth of ethno-political radicalism, social cohesion, and the importance of maintaining internal stability,' prompting an intense discussion between the group and Mr. Ilazi. Finally, we had the pleasure of welcoming Mr. Blerim Krasniqi, who delved into the intriguing world of Cybersecurity, specifically focusing on challenges and strategies in Kosovo for protecting digital infrastructure and data.

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and the Council of Europe for their unwavering support of the School of Politics. Without their dedication, this seminar wouldn't have been possible.
  • School for Political Studies
Publication Year
  • 2023
  • 2 July
  • Number of views: 11139
Categories: Activities
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