Seminar II of the School of Politics on Transitional Justice and its Mechanisms

15 May
Seminar II of the School of Politics on Transitional Justice and its Mechanisms

May 2024

In the 2024 edition of the School of Politics, PIPS introduced a seminar focusing on dealing with the past and transitional justice.

This weekend (10-12 May), PIPS held the second seminar of the School of Politics, which was also the inaugural seminar on Transitional Justice. The seminar aimed to shape future leaders to be open-minded and inclusive, engage with policy matters and understand the importance of addressing past conflicts. Participants learned about truth commissions, criminal prosecutions, reparations, and institutional reforms as tools to prevent the recurrence of past injustices. The seminar explored the complexities of addressing historical injustices and balancing accountability with reconciliation.

To discuss these topics, it was an honour to have speakers such as Dr. Fatmir Sejdiu, former President, and former Professor at the “University of Prishtina”, who spoke on "History, Memory, and Dealing with the Past in Kosovo." Other notable speakers included Bekim Blakaj, Executive Director at the Humanitarian Law Center Kosovo (HLC), on the role of HLC in justice documentation; Baki Svirca, Head of the Transitional Justice Division at the Ministry of Justice, on the Strategy for Transitional Justice; Dr. Gëzim Visoka, Associate Dean at Dublin City University, on transitional justice processes and civil society; Serbeze Haxhiaj, an investigative journalist at Balkan Investigative Reporting Network (BIRN), on ethical journalism in the era of renewed populism; and Dr. Ramadan Ilazi, Head of Research at Kosovar Centre for Security Studies (KCSS), on strategies for engaging with past and future initiatives.
Throughout the weekend, participants listened to each other and engaged in heartfelt discussions, the energy was buzzing with ideas and collaborative spirit.

We extend our gratitude to all participants, speakers, and partners who made the second seminar of the School of Politics on Transitional Justice a success!

Special Thanks to the regional project “EU Support for Confidence Building in the Western Balkans”, for their support in making this event possible.

The activity was made possible with the assistance of the regional project “EU Support for Confidence Building in the Western Balkans”, which is financed by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).



U izdanju Škole politike za 2024. godinu, PIPS je uveo seminar koji se fokusira isključivo na suočavanje s prošlošću i tranzicionu pravdu.

Ovog vikenda (10-12. maj) PIPS je održao drugi seminar Škole politike, koji je ujedno bio i inauguracioni seminar o tranzicionoj pravdi. Seminar je imao za cilj da oblikuje buduće lidere da budu otvoreni i inkluzivni, da se bave političkim pitanjima i razumeju važnost rešavanja prošlih sukoba. Učesnici su naučili o komisijama za istinu, krivičnim gonjenjima, reparacijama i institucionalnim reformama kao alatima za sprečavanje ponavljanja prošlih nepravdi. Seminar je istraživao složenost rješavanja istorijskih nepravdi i balansiranja između odgovornosti i pomirenja.

Za diskusiju o ovim temama, bila je čast imati govornike kao što je dr Fatmir Sejdiu, bivši predsednik i bivši profesor Univerziteta u Prištini, koji je govorio na temu „Istorija, sećanje i suočavanje sa prošlošću na Kosovu“. Drugi zapaženi govornici bili su Bekim Blakaj, izvršni direktor Fonda za humanitarno pravo Kosovo, o ulozi FHP-a u pravnoj dokumentaciji; Baki Svirca, šef Odseka za tranzicionu pravdu u Ministarstvu pravde, o strategiji za tranzicionu pravdu; dr Gezim Visoka, prodekan na Univerzitetu grada Dablina, o procesima tranzicione pravde i civilnom društvu; Serbeze Hadžiaj, istraživački novinar BIRN-a, o etičkom novinarstvu u eri obnovljenog populizma; i dr Ramadan Ilazi, šef istraživanja u KCSS, o strategijama za angažovanje sa prošlošću i budućim inicijativama.

Tokom vikenda, učesnici su slušali jedni druge, vodili iskrene diskusije, a energija je vrvjela od ideja i duha saradnje.

Zahvaljujemo se svim učesnicima, govornicima i partnerima koji su učinili da drugi seminar Škole politike o tranzicionoj pravdi uspe!
Posebno se zahvaljujemo regionalnom projektu „Podrška EU za izgradnju poverenja na Zapadnom Balkanu“ na podršci u omogućavanju ovog događaja.

Aktivnost je omogućena uz pomoć regionalnog projekta „Podrška EU za izgradnju poverenja na Zapadnom Balkanu“, koji finansira Evropska unija (EU), a sprovodi Program Ujedinjenih nacija za razvoj (UNDP).

  • School for Political Studies
Publication Year
  • 2024
  • 15 May
  • Number of views: 3129
Categories: Activities
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