Seminar V of the School of Politics (22nd Generation) - Political Communication, Disinformation and Participation 10 October 20240

Seminar V of the School of Politics (22nd Generation) - Political Communication, Disinformation and Participation

During this weekend, from October 4 to 6, the 5th seminar was held, which coincides with the last seminar of the 22nd generation of the Political School of PIPS. The topic of this seminar was "Political Communication, Disinformation, and Participation", whereas an element there was more work in groups and more practical topics.

The 4th Seminar of the School of Politics (22nd Generation) - Sustainable Development - Policies, Institutions and Governance 02 October 20240

The 4th Seminar of the School of Politics (22nd Generation) - Sustainable Development - Policies, Institutions and Governance

This weekend, from 20 to 22 September, we held the 4th PIPS Policy School Seminar with the 22nd generation, which had the theme 'Sustainable Development - Policies, Institutions, and Governance'. The seminar had lectures and discussions about the economy, sustainable development and effective governance for the progress of Kosovo.

The seminar brought interesting topics to the participants, where they had the opportunity to explore different development models with Mr. Adri Nurellari and new perspectives on the economy with Mr. Edison Jakurti. We also discussed the importance of effective governance for economic growth with Mr. Shpend Ahmeti, and the key role of the rule of law in economic development with Mr. Dastid Pallaska.

Other sessions highlighted Kosovo's path towards EU integration and regional cooperation, with valuable insights from Mr. Artan Çollaku and Mrs. Sytrime Dervisholli, as well as the importance of non-formal education and ICT in Kosovo by Mr. Shpend Lila.

Regional Transitional Justice Seminar in cooperation with BFPE (School of Politics Serbia) - August 30 - September 1 06 September 20240

Regional Transitional Justice Seminar in cooperation with BFPE (School of Politics Serbia) - August 30 - September 1

This past weekend, from August 30th to September 1st, we were proud to host the Regional Transitional Justice Seminar in cooperation with BFPE Foundation. The event, which was organized under the EU Support to Confidence Building in the Western Balkans, which is funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme - UNDP, gathered 40 dedicated participants from Kosovo and Serbia.

This seminar provided a vital platform for dialogue and understanding. By focusing on transitional justice and the collective memory of the 1999 conflict in Kosovo, we encouraged an environment of open communication to learn more about the fundamentals of transitional justice and exchange views on how to deal with the past responsively.

Seminari i III-të i Gjeneratës së 22-të së Shkollës Politike - Politika e Jashtme dhe Siguria Nacionale 03 July 20240

Seminari i III-të i Gjeneratës së 22-të së Shkollës Politike - Politika e Jashtme dhe Siguria Nacionale

Gjatë fundjavës (28-30 Qershor), Shkolla Politike organizoi seminarin e tretë për gjeneratën e saj të 22-të. Tema e seminarit të III-të ishte Politika e Jashtme dhe Siguria Nacionale. Vikendi ishte i mbushur me ligjërata/diskutime të rëndësishme nga përfaqësues të ndryshëm, të cilët diskutuan gjerësisht rreth Politikës së Jashtme, Sigurisë Nacionale dhe rolin e Kosovës në këtë fushë. Ishte një fundjavë e mbushur me diskutime interaktive, ligjërata interesante dhe momente dinamike!

Diskutimet gjatë seminarit ishin frytdhënëse dhe të dobishme për të gjithë pjesëmarrësit. Jemi mirënjohës për kontributin e të gjithë ligjëruesve, moderatorëve dhe pjesëmarrësve në suksesin e këtij seminarit.
Më poshtë, shihni disa momente nga Seminari i parë i Shkollës Politike.

Programi i Shkollës Politike mbështetet nga Këshilli i Evropës. Ky seminar i Shkollës Politike është mbështetur nga Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Kosovo.

Seminar II of the School of Politics on Transitional Justice and its Mechanisms 15 May 20240

Seminar II of the School of Politics on Transitional Justice and its Mechanisms

In the 2024 edition of the School of Politics, PIPS introduced a seminar focusing on dealing with the past and transitional justice.

This weekend (10-12 May), PIPS held the second seminar of the School of Politics, which was also the inaugural seminar on Transitional Justice. The seminar aimed to shape future leaders to be open-minded and inclusive, engage with policy matters and understand the importance of addressing past conflicts. Participants learned about truth commissions, criminal prosecutions, reparations, and institutional reforms as tools to prevent the recurrence of past injustices. The seminar explored the complexities of addressing historical injustices and balancing accountability with reconciliation.

The activity was made possible with the assistance of the regional project “EU Support for Confidence Building in the Western Balkans”, which is financed by the European Union (EU) and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).



U izdanju Škole politike za 2024. godinu, PIPS je uveo seminar koji se fokusira isključivo na suočavanje s prošlošću i tranzicionu pravdu.

Ovog vikenda (10-12. maj) PIPS je održao drugi seminar Škole politike, koji je ujedno bio i inauguracioni seminar o tranzicionoj pravdi. Seminar je imao za cilj da oblikuje buduće lidere da budu otvoreni i inkluzivni, da se bave političkim pitanjima i razumeju važnost rešavanja prošlih sukoba. Učesnici su naučili o komisijama za istinu, krivičnim gonjenjima, reparacijama i institucionalnim reformama kao alatima za sprečavanje ponavljanja prošlih nepravdi. Seminar je istraživao složenost rješavanja istorijskih nepravdi i balansiranja između odgovornosti i pomirenja.

Aktivnost je omogućena uz pomoć regionalnog projekta „Podrška EU za izgradnju poverenja na Zapadnom Balkanu“, koji finansira Evropska unija (EU), a sprovodi Program Ujedinjenih nacija za razvoj (UNDP).

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First meeting with journalists as part of the program “Journalists in the field of energy and environment”

27 December 2019

On 27 December, the first meeting with journalists was held as part of the program “Journalists in the field of energy and environment”. During this meeting the detailed program was presented for the participants as well as the current situation in Kosovo regarding energy and environment policies.

27 December 2019/Author: SuperUser Account/Number of views (27800)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
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Publication and discussion event on Rationalization of Independent Agencies and Regulators in Kosovo

Publication and discussion event on Rationalization of Independent Agencies and Regulators in Kosovo

11 July 2019

On July 7, the Pristina Institute for Political Studies (PIPS) published the policy analysis "Rationalization of Independent Agencies and Regulators in Kosovo". The analysis drafted after a period of several months of research provides an overview of the current situation of public administration reform, namely the implementation of the rationalization of independent, executive and regulatory agencies.

11 July 2019/Author: SuperUser Account/Number of views (26869)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
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1 December 2020

Prishtina School for Political Studies has opened the call for application for the admission of candidates for the nineteenth generation (19).

School for Political Studies is one of the first non-formal political education programs in Kosovo and the oldest program that is still active. School for Political Studies has been implemented by the Prishtina Institute for Political Studies since 2003 through the support of the Council of Europe.

The aim of the program is to promote a new political culture for young leaders in line with the three key principles of the Council of Europe: democracy, rule of law and human rights. Throughout a year 30 participants coming from political parties, media, civil society, public administration etc. have the opportunity to attend modules with lectures from eminent local and international speakers. The program is currently implemented in 22 different countries around the world and graduates are certified by the Council of Europe and the Secretary General of this organization.
01 December 2020/Author: Diona Kusari/Number of views (26495)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Activities
School for Political Studies lecture with Dr. Gëzim Visoka on "Peace through mutual recognition: The current situation in Kosovo and future opportunities"

School for Political Studies lecture with Dr. Gëzim Visoka on "Peace through mutual recognition: The current situation in Kosovo and future opportunities"

5 May 2020

School for Political Studies has held an online lecture & discussion with Dr. Gëzim Visoka on the topic "Peace through mutual recognition: The current situation in Kosovo and future opportunities".

05 May 2020/Author: Diona Kusari/Number of views (25714)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Activities