From 21-23 April 2017, the second seminar of the Political School was held on the topic "The state as a fundamental framework for self-governance: Public Policies.
On March 3-5, the first seminar of the School for Political Studies for 2017 was held on the topic "State and Citizenship: The normative approach and value-based approach in politics".
Prishtina Institute for Political Studies in cooperation with Group for Legal and Political Studies, supported by the Dutch Embassy in Kosovo, held the third informative conference on the SAA on 23 February 2017 in Peja.
Prishtina Institute for Political Studies in cooperation with Group for Legal and Political studies, held on 31 January 2017 the informative conference on SAA in Prizren.
On December 19th 2016, PIPS held the annual conference of the School for Political Studies and the closing ceremony of the academic year 2016 for the 14th generation.
Group for Legal and Political Studies, in cooperation with PIPS, organized a roundtable on "Challenges in the field of Rule of Law reforms part of the SAA and EU Reform Agenda" on 15 November 2016.