Annual Review of Kosovo's Foreign Affairs (2021)

February 2022

Diona Kusari 0 5178 Article rating: No rating
Our latest publication aims to provide an overview of Kosovo's foreign affairs in 2021. The report is part of PIPS's commitment to document and analyze Kosovo's foreign policy policies each year. The study focuses on the main events and policy developments that have dominated Kosovo's foreign relations, as well as the successes and challenges it faces in implementing key foreign policy goals. Aims to document key developments shaping Kosovo's bilateral diplomacy, dialogue with Serbia, recognition and membership in international organizations, and Euro-Atlantic integration.

Ndikimi Socio-Ekonomik i Pandemisë në Kosovë

Shkurt 2022

Diona Kusari 0 4533 Article rating: No rating
Efektet socio-ekonomike të Covid-19 në Kosovë jane evidente që nga marsi i vitit 2020, kur u morën masat e para nga qeveria, e deri më tani në vitin 2022.
Ky studim ndihmon për të pasqyruar se si kjo periudhë është kuptuar ekonomikisht dhe socialisht në Kosovë pothuajse dy vjet pas fillimit të pandemisë. Qëllimi i këtij punimi është të lehtësojë një komunikim më të mirë ndërmjet perceptimeve të qytetarëve dhe politikave institucionale në mënyrë që të ndikojë në vendimmarrje të hapur, transparente dhe demokratike.
Me në metodologji të përzier - kuantitative dhe kualitative - të dhënat nga ky hulumtim paraqesin politikat e qeverive të Republikës së Kosovës, masa që drejtpërdrejtë ishin reflektuar tek punëtorët, duke goditur kështu të ardhurat, konsumin në treg dhe duke cënuar mirëqenien e shoqërisë.

Justice System Reform during 2021

January 2022

Diona Kusari 0 4489 Article rating: No rating
The justice system has so far undergone ongoing reforms and there have been efforts by various Governments to prioritize long-term challenges that make it impossible for justice institutions to function and provide justice to citizens. This analysis aims to discuss the current state of justice system reform in Kosovo during 2021, in particular in the context of the implementation of the SAA and other reforms for EU integration.

SEFTA 'The New Proposal for Cooperation in the Western Balkans'

January 2022

Diona Kusari 0 4969 Article rating: No rating
Regional cooperation in the Balkans is accompanied by a deep mistrust between states. Various initiatives initiated by the European Union or EU members, have installed various mechanisms to facilitate regional relations and maximize benefits for all participating countries. However, this has often not been the case. This Policy Note analyzes in a comparative context the government proposal with the existing economic cooperation agreement. Meanwhile, it provides an overview of how the new proposal would work, in the normative framework.

An Overview of Policies and Efforts on P/CVE in the Western Balkans

December 2021

Diona Kusari 0 5075 Article rating: No rating
The aim of this policy analysis is to shed light on how the six Western Balkan countries dealt with preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE). It is intended to be the first of a series of analysis on the issue. While this paper will focus on specific country initiatives and actor-based analysis, the upcoming publications will provide a regional statistical outlook concerning the phenomenon of foreign fighters, including the repatriation and reintegration initiatives, convictions, as well as the challenges faced by the six Western Balkan countries.

The Economic Normalisation Agreements and Foreign Policy Implications for Kosovo and Serbia

December 2021

Diona Kusari 0 4755 Article rating: No rating
1 year has passed since the signing of the Washington agreement for economic normalization between Kosovo and Serbia.

PIPS has evaluated and analyzed the implementation of 5 key points from this agreement as follows:
(1) designation of Hezbollah as a whole as a terrorist organization
(2) participation in Mini-Schengen (Open Balkans)
(3) compliance with the moratorium which suspended Kosovo's applications for membership in international organizations
(4) mutual recognition and the establishment of diplomatic relations with Israel for Kosovo, namely the relocation of the Embassy in Jerusalem for Serbia; and
(5) working with other countries to promote the decriminalization of homosexuality

Kosovo has met 4 of these points, while Serbia only 2 of them.

This publication clarifies the political context and the actions taken by both parties to realize these points.

Disinformation in the Western Balkan countries and the necessity for a firm response

November 2021

Diona Kusari 0 5284 Article rating: No rating
In our latest paper, PIPS analyzed Kosovo's approach and its role in the global fight against misinformation. Similar to other parts of the globe, in recent years the Western Balkans has seen an increase in disinformation and hybrid wars.

In the Western Balkans, the main purposes of fake news include, among other things, undermining the legitimacy and sovereignty of Kosovo's statehood, changing the narratives of war and war crimes, and undermining the West's credibility regarding state-building in Kosovo. News about Kosovo, in addition to being a dominant topic in the Serbian media, is often the subject of inaccurate reporting. Narratives spread by biased media also focus on weakening support for Euro-Atlantic institutions.

Such developments are an obstacle to regional integration and cooperation, which is why in this policy analysis PIPS has listed opportunities and recommendations for the government of Kosovo and the EU to address this phenomenon.

The beginning of an ERA!

October 2021

Diona Kusari 0 5366 Article rating: No rating
The European Union and Kosovo agreed to start the second phase of the European Reform Agenda (ERA II) in order to continue the implementation of the SAA. As a result, the Hoti government approved the ERA II priorities on 19 October 2020. After consultations with CSOs, implementing institutions and the European Commission, the two-year action plan for ERA II was initially approved in principle by the Ministerial Council for European Integration. In May 2021 and was subsequently approved by the new Kurti government on 11 August.

Given the importance that ERA II now has on the path to EU integration, it is critical to overcome the previously experienced obstacles, to avoid falling into the same traps and experiencing the same delays. Prishtina Institute for Political Studies presents an overview of the implementation of ERA 1 and recommendations which can improve the overall implementation of ERA II in this publication.