Number of search result: 19

Green Entrepreneurship - Changemaker in the Western Balkans

June 2022

Diona Kusari 0 3098 Article rating: No rating
As the six Balkan countries are transforming their policies and becoming less carbon-intensive, promoting a green economy and green businesses is just the first component of transforming their economies.

The green economy framework promotes coherence between economic and environmental policies and further support the SDGs that are meant to be integrated with sustainable development.

Green businesses, also known as sustainable enterprises, aim to strike a balance between profit and resource sustainability.

This Policy Brief aims to explain the challenges of the Western Balkans in promoting a green economy and green businesses as the first step in transforming their economies.

Green groups and their role in the parliament’s green agenda

June 2022

Diona Kusari 0 6798 Article rating: No rating
Once considered radical outsiders, the Greens are nowadays claiming an increasingly important role in mainstream politics, particularly in Europe.
Coupled with the urgency of climate change and the loss of support for traditional viewpoints, the Greens worldwide
have moved from single-issue environmental groups to inclusive political groups capable of developing and monitoring policies for key state institutions.

Thus, more and more people are supporting green policies, but who are the Greens, and what do they represent
in today’s politics? This Policy Brief aims to explain what the purpose of these green groups is and their role in the parliament's green agenda.

Energy Sector in Kosovo "An overview of the Implementation of Green Agenda for the Western Balkans (GAWB) for Kosovo"

June 2022

Diona Kusari 0 4061 Article rating: No rating
Being a post-war country with a fragile economy, the Government of Kosovo with the support of the international community aims to develop the economy through direct investment and/or improving the investment climate. As a transition economy, the energy sector needs serious and substantial reforms.

This policy goal for the energy sector has been a sustainable, clean, and secure energy supply that will support the developing economy and increase social welfare.

This report will analyze the actors, legislation in force, strategic documents, current obstacles and identify areas for improvement of the Energy Sector in Kosovo during the implementation of the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans (GAWB).

Water Security in Kosovo and the Washington Agreement

September 2021

Diona Kusari 0 5135 Article rating: No rating
Challenges stemming from a lack of coordination and normalization of political relations with Serbia have strained the management of Ujman and the Ibar canal. With this in mind, the US-led discussions in the White House on September 4, 2020 attempted to address this issue, and in point seven of the agreement a feasibility study was proposed that looked at the possibilities of sharing the flow of water.

This summary note aims to analyze the case of "Lake Ujman" focusing on regional cooperation and economic importance. Furthermore, this paper focuses on the geopolitical importance of Lake Ujman, the Washington Agreement and the recommendations arising from this agreement, similar cases and international precedents for shared management of water resources, and the consequences of the agreement.

Energy Sector in Kosovo, Regional Cooperation and Gasification Projects

July 2021

Diona Kusari 0 6192 Article rating: No rating
Kosovo is at crossroads regarding the energy sector, having to choose to act on either "grow now - clean up later" or "sustainable development".

Part of the solution of the Kosovar government will be the important gasification projects which are expected to be developed.

Our latest paper explains the development of infrastructure and gasification projects in Kosovo.

SUMP – A Joint Commitment: Towards an overarching institutional coordination and policy development in drafting and implementing SUMPs

September 2019

SuperUser Account 0 5063 Article rating: No rating

This paper gives a brief explanation of the benefits a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) could have for cities, as well as explore the possibilities of how the National Level, i.e. Members of the Parliament, could directly or indirectly support and facilitate the implementation of SUMPs in cities.

Targeting rural energy poverty through renewable energy in developing countries -  Literature review and recommendations

February 2019

Diona Kusari 0 7058 Article rating: No rating

Having access to energy is associated with better health services, education and more developed industries. Due to the remoteness of rural areas, these communities often do not have access to modern energy sources and are not connected to energy grids. This contributes to poverty, lack of health services, and low education levels. Using literature review and case studies, this paper will look at the connection between energy and development, the challenges of energy access for rural areas, and how and if RET projects can be designed to tackle energy poverty in these areas. 

Kosovo's obligations in the field of energy efficiency and harmonization with the Stabilization and Association Agreement

May 2018

Diona Kusari 0 4745 Article rating: No rating

This report presents a summary of the analyses and findings on the reform process in the field of energy efficiency and its relation to the European Agenda implementation process. This assessment is based on relevant documents from international agreements, the Berlin Process, obligations derived from the Energy Community Treaty, the process of transposition of EU Directives concerning energy efficiency, the Energy Strategy of the Republic of Kosovo, Kosovo Energy Efficiency Action Plan, the Action Plan for the Implementation of Key Priorities from the European Reform Agenda, and commitments as part of the Stabilization and Association Agreement.