Disinformation in the Western Balkan countries and the necessity for a firm response

November 2021

Diona Kusari 0 5613 Article rating: No rating
In our latest paper, PIPS analyzed Kosovo's approach and its role in the global fight against misinformation. Similar to other parts of the globe, in recent years the Western Balkans has seen an increase in disinformation and hybrid wars.

In the Western Balkans, the main purposes of fake news include, among other things, undermining the legitimacy and sovereignty of Kosovo's statehood, changing the narratives of war and war crimes, and undermining the West's credibility regarding state-building in Kosovo. News about Kosovo, in addition to being a dominant topic in the Serbian media, is often the subject of inaccurate reporting. Narratives spread by biased media also focus on weakening support for Euro-Atlantic institutions.

Such developments are an obstacle to regional integration and cooperation, which is why in this policy analysis PIPS has listed opportunities and recommendations for the government of Kosovo and the EU to address this phenomenon.

The beginning of an ERA!

October 2021

Diona Kusari 0 5682 Article rating: No rating
The European Union and Kosovo agreed to start the second phase of the European Reform Agenda (ERA II) in order to continue the implementation of the SAA. As a result, the Hoti government approved the ERA II priorities on 19 October 2020. After consultations with CSOs, implementing institutions and the European Commission, the two-year action plan for ERA II was initially approved in principle by the Ministerial Council for European Integration. In May 2021 and was subsequently approved by the new Kurti government on 11 August.

Given the importance that ERA II now has on the path to EU integration, it is critical to overcome the previously experienced obstacles, to avoid falling into the same traps and experiencing the same delays. Prishtina Institute for Political Studies presents an overview of the implementation of ERA 1 and recommendations which can improve the overall implementation of ERA II in this publication.

Kosova as a rational actor in international society - The case of countering violent extremism

September 2021

Diona Kusari 0 5250 Article rating: No rating
Is Kosovo a rational actor and a responsible member of the international democratic community?

In the latest paper, PIPS analyzed Kosovo's approach and role in the global fight against violent extremism.

The publication sheds light on examples and cases that show that:
In the global fight against violent extremism, Kosovo has demonstrated itself as a rational actor, taking responsibility for the repatriation and reintegration of its citizens from the areas;
Kosovo institutions have shown capacity to take on and fulfill global commitments that contribute to international peace and security;
Kosovo enjoys religious tolerance but international media reporting has created the impression that the country is ravaged by religious radicalization and extremism;
Furthermore, Kosovo has identified ethno-political radicalization as detrimental to its stability, peace and security.

Kosovo's membership in the Adriatic Charter: What are the odds?

September 2021

Diona Kusari 0 6080 Article rating: No rating
The Adriatic Charter (A-5) is one of the main regional security initiatives in the region of Southeast Europe, thus helping the member states' goal of achieving NATO and EU integration. The Adriatic Charter consists of Albania, Macedonia, Croatia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Kosovo was the last country to gain observer status in the A-5 in 2012, and its bid to become a full member in 2014 failed due to Bosnia and Herzegovina's veto.

Therefore, what are the odds that Kosovo can join the Adriatic Charter?

Our latest publication explains the benefits, opportunities and obstacles for Kosovo's full membership in the Adriatic Charter.

To what extent is the Vetëvendosje electoral program integrated into the Government Program?

September 2021

Diona Kusari 0 7401 Article rating: No rating
This report analyzes the level of integration of electoral promises in the government plan, consequently stressing the importance of the feasibility and accountability in regards to electoral promises.

For the first time since 1999, Vetëvendosje's electoral results scale, allowed a political party in Kosovo to form a government with the sole support of non-majority political parties.

This short report discusses the content of the Government Program of the Republic of Kosovo 2021-2025, in relation to the electoral program of Vetëvendosje. The results show that the highest group of these promises are not integrated in the government program, comprising a figure of about 48%. The report was compiled as part of the project 'Strengthening Transparency and Accountability for Reforms" supported by Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Kosovo.

The data were selected and categorized by the FOL Movement, while the report was prepared by the Prishtina Institute for Political Studies (PIPS).

Water Security in Kosovo and the Washington Agreement

September 2021

Diona Kusari 0 5697 Article rating: No rating
Challenges stemming from a lack of coordination and normalization of political relations with Serbia have strained the management of Ujman and the Ibar canal. With this in mind, the US-led discussions in the White House on September 4, 2020 attempted to address this issue, and in point seven of the agreement a feasibility study was proposed that looked at the possibilities of sharing the flow of water.

This summary note aims to analyze the case of "Lake Ujman" focusing on regional cooperation and economic importance. Furthermore, this paper focuses on the geopolitical importance of Lake Ujman, the Washington Agreement and the recommendations arising from this agreement, similar cases and international precedents for shared management of water resources, and the consequences of the agreement.

Energy Sector in Kosovo, Regional Cooperation and Gasification Projects

July 2021

Diona Kusari 0 6901 Article rating: No rating
Kosovo is at crossroads regarding the energy sector, having to choose to act on either "grow now - clean up later" or "sustainable development".

Part of the solution of the Kosovar government will be the important gasification projects which are expected to be developed.

Our latest paper explains the development of infrastructure and gasification projects in Kosovo.

Citizens' mindset towards political questions

June 2021

Diona Kusari 0 7938 Article rating: No rating
"The Citizens' Mindset towards Political Questions" survey was first published by the Prishtina Institute for Political Studies (PIPS), in collaboration with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) Office in Prishtina.

The survey aims to produce credible results that will be useful to those involved in the field, i.e. political parties, decisionmakers, policymakers, scholars, analysts and others.

The results of the survey are divided into two parts: Perspectives on the state's relationship with the economy and individual freedoms, as well as perspectives on politics and political participation.