Green Entrepreneurship - Changemaker in the Western Balkans

June 2022

Anonym 0 4280 Article rating: No rating
As the six Balkan countries are transforming their policies and becoming less carbon-intensive, promoting a green economy and green businesses is just the first component of transforming their economies.

The green economy framework promotes coherence between economic and environmental policies and further support the SDGs that are meant to be integrated with sustainable development.

Green businesses, also known as sustainable enterprises, aim to strike a balance between profit and resource sustainability.

This Policy Brief aims to explain the challenges of the Western Balkans in promoting a green economy and green businesses as the first step in transforming their economies.

Green groups and their role in the parliament’s green agenda

June 2022

Anonym 0 8236 Article rating: No rating
Once considered radical outsiders, the Greens are nowadays claiming an increasingly important role in mainstream politics, particularly in Europe.
Coupled with the urgency of climate change and the loss of support for traditional viewpoints, the Greens worldwide
have moved from single-issue environmental groups to inclusive political groups capable of developing and monitoring policies for key state institutions.

Thus, more and more people are supporting green policies, but who are the Greens, and what do they represent
in today’s politics? This Policy Brief aims to explain what the purpose of these green groups is and their role in the parliament's green agenda.

Energy Sector in Kosovo "An overview of the Implementation of Green Agenda for the Western Balkans (GAWB) for Kosovo"

June 2022

Anonym 0 5383 Article rating: No rating
Being a post-war country with a fragile economy, the Government of Kosovo with the support of the international community aims to develop the economy through direct investment and/or improving the investment climate. As a transition economy, the energy sector needs serious and substantial reforms.

This policy goal for the energy sector has been a sustainable, clean, and secure energy supply that will support the developing economy and increase social welfare.

This report will analyze the actors, legislation in force, strategic documents, current obstacles and identify areas for improvement of the Energy Sector in Kosovo during the implementation of the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans (GAWB).

OP-ED "Derogimi i të drejtave të njeriut gjatë pandemisë"

Maj 2022

Anonym 0 4165 Article rating: No rating
Kur bota po kalonte krizën më të rëndë të shëndetit publik, vëmendja u kthye kah ndërmarrja e masave preventive.
Ky OP-ED shtjellon masat e ndërmarrura gjatë pandemisë në përpuethshmëri me të drejtat e njeriut dhe se si në raste të krizave publike si ajo e shkaktuar nga COVID-19, e drejta për jetë dhe e drejta për shëndet, racionalisht mbizotërojnë mbi të drejtat e tjera.

Ky artikull është shkruar në kuadër të projektit “Rritja e reagimit të institucioneve të Kosovës në
adresimin e pasojave socio-ekonomike dhe politike të COVID-19, përmes prodhimit të
rekomandimeve të politikave të bazuara në prova”, mbështetur nga Balkan Trust for Democracy,
Projekt Fondi Gjerman Marshall i Shteteve të Bashkuara dhe USAID.


MAY 2022

Anonym 0 3927 Article rating: No rating
Prishtina Institute for Political Studies (PIPS), on behalf of the project: “Pathway towards an efficient use of local natural resources”, Contract number: 2022/432-719 intends to award a service contract for “One expert for preparation of a Needs Assessment and conducting a data sourcing exercise (BL 5.2.1)”, in Prishtina, with reference number PIPS -1.

The deadline for submission of applications is 12.05.2022, at 17:00.

An Overview of Policies and Efforts on P/CVE in the Western Balkans (II)

April 2022

Anonym 0 5192 Article rating: No rating
Increased instability and open military conflicts have given rise to the phenomenon of foreign terrorist fighters around the world. As a result, countries took immediate action to prevent and criminalize the participation of their citizens in foreign conflicts.

This policy analysis aims to shed light on how six Western Balkan countries have dealt with preventing and countering violent extremism (P/CVE). It is the second in a series of analyzes on this issue.

More specifically, this analysis provides a regional statistical perspective on the number of citizens joining foreign conflicts and an overview of the repatriation and reintegration initiatives undertaken by the six Western Balkan countries.

Public Opinion in the Capital: Assessment of Satisfaction with Municipal Services

March 2022

Anonym 0 6079 Article rating: No rating
This policy analysis aims to assess the performance of the municipality of Pristina during the past term, based on a survey on public satisfaction with municipal services.

This would enable decision makers to understand the perceived performance of local institutions and plan and prioritize accordingly.

Considering the role that municipal governments play in providing public services to the population, identifying citizens' perceptions and areas of concern is of great importance to policy makers at the local level.

Everyday challenges for the promotion and implementation of rights and protections for the citizens of Non Majority Communities in the Republic of Kosovo

March 2022

Anonym 0 4297 Article rating: No rating
This report has been prepared as a result of a round table on youth, security and human development in Kosovo in December 2021 and four focus group discussions organized by HD and PIPS during February 2022, with participants from all communities in Kosovo. Participants included policy makers, government officials, activists
civil society, researchers and students. The report was prepared based on the contribution of the participants with the support of Dr. Mark Baskin, Leonora Kryeziu, Dr. Ramadan Ilazi and Ermal Boshnjaku.

The report shows that with modest intervention by the government, contact with members of non-majority communities in Kosovo
can significantly improve the daily lives of members of non-majority communities.