School for Political Studies

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School of Politics is one of the first programs of non-formal political education in Kosovo and the oldest one that is still active. Since 2003 the School of Politics has been implemented by the Pristina Institute for Political Studies with the support and under the auspices of the Council of Europe. The purpose of the program is to promote a new political culture for young leaders in line with the three key principles of the Council of Europe: democracy, rule of law and human rights. During one calendar year 30 participants from political parties, media, civil society, public administration have the opportunity to attend lectures with eminent local and international speakers. The program is currently implemented in 22 countries around the world and the graduates are certified by the Council of Europe and the Secretary General of this organization.

The educational purpose of the School can be described with the idea of strengthening democratic principles and practices. The curricula of the School of Politics modules include a variety of topics such as political theories, democratization, good governance, electoral process, political parties, foreign policy, EU enlargement policy and public communication. Due to its longevity and quality, the Prishtina School of Politics has become one of the central platforms of public debate among public actors in Kosovo. The program has proven to be a valuable experience for all individuals motivated to be involved in the positive change of Kosovar society through civic activism.

The participants are selected on merit based on their professional ability, taking into account other relevant political, geographical, social, ethnic and gender factors. A large number of School of Politics Alumni have held and continue to hold positions in key institutions in Kosovo. On the other hand, the lecturers of the School of Politics are experts in the fields involved in political processes and public life, coming from different spheres: politicians, policymakers, representatives of institutions and organizations, academics, journalists, diplomats and businessmen. As such, the School of Politics also offers participants a unique opportunity to expand their network and contacts.


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Activities on School for Political Studies


14 January 2025

January 2025

Politička škola, osnovana da osnaži lidere u političkoj, ekonomskoj, društvenoj i kulturnoj sferi, otvorila je poziv za prijavu za svoju 23. generaciju.

Ko se može prijaviti?
Pozdravljamo kandidate iz političkih partija, javnih institucija, medija, nevladinih organizacija i preduzeća. Zainteresovani kandidati moraju imati završenu diplomu i znanje engleskog jezika je obavezno. Kao aktivan profesionalac u svojoj oblasti, iskoristite ovu priliku da doprinesete svojoj budućnosti!

Prednosti programa Prištinske političke škole:
· Podizanje svesti u promovisanju demokratije, poštovanju vladavine prava i zaštiti ljudskih prava.
· Detaljno znanje od najistaknutijih domaćih i međunarodnih predavača.
· Sertifikacija od strane Saveta Evrope
· Ekskluzivno učešće na Svetskom forumu za demokratiju u Strazburu.
· Deo naše mreže od preko 700 bivših studenata.

Rok za prijavu: 31. januar 2025

14 January 2025/Author: Jon Krasniqi/Number of views (2055)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
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Ceremonia e diplomimit të gjeneratës së 22-të të Shkollës Politike

Ceremonia e diplomimit të gjeneratës së 22-të të Shkollës Politike

18 December 2024

Instituti i Prishtinës për Studime Politike (PIPS) mbrëmë, në praninë e partnerëve, alumnistëve dhe mes miqësh, shënoi diplomimin e gjeneratës së 22-të, duke përmbyllur edhe një cikël të suksesshëm të programit të Shkollës Politike. Ky program ka qenë dhe vazhdon të jetë më shumë se një mundësi edukimi, është një nxitës për lidership dhe një themel për një shoqëri më të drejtë dhe gjithëpërfshirëse. 

Shkolla Politike vazhdon të angazhohet për gjithëpërfshirje dhe diversitet, që janë thelbësore për një shoqëri demokratike dhe progresive. 

Si çdo herë, në përmbyllje të programit të Shkollës Politike, reflektuam mbi sfidat që na përcollën gjatë vitit dhe pritjet për vitin vijues. 

18 December 2024/Author: Anonym/Number of views (1127)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Activities
Collaboration with Demo Finland on youth in political parties

Collaboration with Demo Finland on youth in political parties

27 November 2024

November 2024

The Pristina Institute for Political Studies (PIPS) in cooperation with Demo Finland, hosted a delegation of young Finnish politicians, graduates of the Democracy Academy in Finland, for a study visit with the aim of fostering dialogue and exchange of experiences between Kosovo and Finland. This visit provided a platform to explore the challenges and opportunities for political participation among young people in Kosovo by sharing Finnish experiences of multi-party cooperation.

27 November 2024/Author: Anonym/Number of views (2267)/Comments (0)/ Article rating: No rating
Categories: Activities
Application for School for Political Studies opens in November 2021.
18 years of Prishtina School for Political Studies
Around 600 participants
Over 250 lecturers
Over 60 seminars organized
Over 500 lectures held
Over 200 participants attended the World Forum for Democracy

Schools of Political Studies Network and Association

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rrjeti dhe asociacioni

Prishtina School of Politics is part of the multilateral forums of the Council of Europe's School of Politics Network and the Association of School of Politics.

Schools Network was created by the Council of Europe in 2005 in order to provide a framework for the exchange of information, expertise and practices between the Schools. The network also provides a milieu in which regional and bilateral activities between two or more schools take place. Today Schools of Politics operate in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus. Such a wide reach has necessarily increased the need for cooperation, therefore the network offers such opportunity. To find out more about the School Network download the following documen here.

Association of School of Political Studies of the Council of Europe was founded in 2008 by the Directors of Schools of Politics, with the aim of strengthening links, stimulating development and supporting the schools. Equipped with a legal framework, Schools now have a tool that allows the Network to communicate with its own voice.

The Association plays an important role in supporting School Alumni. The Association's website has become a major hub for communication and information for its members, and provides a platform for dialogue and exchange between school graduates and current participants. More information on the Association of School of Political Studies of the Council of Europe can be found at:

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World Forum for Democracy

The World Forum for Democracy
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The World Forum for Democracy

The World Forum for Democracy (formerly the Summer University for Democracy) is one of the most important activities of the School of Politics. This event annually brings together in Strasbourg School of Politics of all countries, and in addition, as the program is open to other participants as well.

The themes of the World Forum on Democracy vary from year to year. Until now, participants have had the opportunity to attend editions discussing democracy, power, social cohesion, social inclusion, political elites, the new Europe, the Arab Spring, media gender representation and information.

Prishtina School of Politics has been represented in this event with over 250 participants over the years. The World Forum on Democracy also serves as a platform for sharing experiences and sharing best practices, applied in a variety of contexts. More information about this event can be found at the following link:


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